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Netinvestmentincometax rappaport


Cost $30.00
Presentation Length 2.0 hours

Recorded DateJune 13, 2018
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

One of the taxes surviving the broad recent changes to the Internal Revenue Code is the net investment income (NII) tax, or the “Obamacare Tax,” found in Section 1411 of the IRC. Since its inception, the NII tax has presented unique problems for tax practitioners from both the accounting and the legal perspective. In this webinar, we unpack the fundamentals of how the NII tax works, including references to related concepts such as distributable net income (DNI) and the passive activity rules. We then present planning techniques to help identify when taxpayers may mistakenly believe they owe the NII tax and to structure taxpayers’ affairs to legally avoid the NII tax.

Learning Objectives

  • Educate the viewer about what the NII tax is and how it works.

  • Educate the viewer about concepts related to the NII tax, such as DNI and passive activities.

  • Make the viewer comfortable advising clients about whether they owe the NII tax in various situations.

  • Show the viewer planning opportunities that may help clients legally avoid the NII tax.

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Lloyd Doletski (Self Employed)

"The speaker spoke in a fluent manner. The information was presented at a reasonable pace. I had no questions on the information presented. The displays were easy to read, very informative and answered any questions, which came to mind . The speaker was skilled in utilizing the displays in presenting the information of the webinar."
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Robert Spatta (Robert Spatta, CPA)

"Great course! Very complicated topic but the two hours was enough to get through the issues in enough detail that I feel comfortable talking with my clients about ways to mitigate their NIIT bills. Thanks CPA Academy."
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Debra Doyle (H&R Block)

"I am a second year CPA and I learned a lot because they talked for learning not as a CPA and I understood everything and the things I did not, I can take from this and look up, Thank you All"

Paul Kimmel (Kimmel Advisory Services, LLC)

"Excellent, thorough presentation. Got into the details, but not so as to lose the audience. Presenters extended 10 minutes after the end to address questions, which I appreciated."
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Amporn Leininger (Summit Financial Advisory Services, Inc.)

"I understand better how to treat Capital gain for the DNI calculation. The Chart is very helpful. Love that you have a few minutes break after the first hour."
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Junius Jaubert (Junius L Jaubert, CPA)

"The speakers covered the subject matter in great depth. I especially liked the many citations provided as well as the excellent tax planning opportunities."
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Diana Baker (Ernst and Young USA, LLP)

"Very impressive. Both facilitators were knowledgeable and used both their tax knowledge and the tax forms very effectively."
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Brenda Schmiedicke (TAXES DONE 4U)

"Really Great! the 2 hours let the presenters get into the information with more details. Love the presenters!"
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Matthew E. Rappaport concentrates his practice in Taxation related to Real Estate, Corporations, Partnerships, and Trusts & Estates. He advises clients regarding tax planning and structuring for generational wealth transfer, commercial real estate enterprises, business transactions, and cross-border considerations. He primarily advises real estate professionals, financial professionals, and closely-held business owners. He also functions as a subcontractor for other attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, bankers, and insurance professionals when they encounter matters requiring a threshold level of tax law expertise.

Mr. Rappaport graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2007, cum laude, with an undergraduate degree in Political Science. His undergraduate thesis was a cross-sectional analysis of the corporate culture of the privately held financial firm Edward Jones. He received his Juris Doctor and Master of Laws in Taxation from Georgetown University Law Center in 2011. Mr. Rappaport is licensed to practice in New York. He is an active member of the Nassau County Bar Association, the New York State Bar Association, and the American Bar Association. He was the Co-Vice Chair of the Tax Committee of the Nassau County Bar Association from June 2015 until June 2016.

He serves on the Sales, Exchanges, and Basis Committee of the American Bar Association Section of Taxation. Mr. Rappaport has authored articles for the Nassau Lawyer, Thomson Reuters’ Journal of Real Estate Taxation, The Tax Adviser, Bloomberg BNA’s Tax Management – Real Estate Journal, and the Journal of Taxation of Investments. He has spoken at the request of the American Bar Association, the National Conference of CPA Practitioners, the Financial Planning Association, Strafford Publications, the School of Accounting at LIU Post, and a wide variety of law, accounting, and wealth advisory firms. He is a founder of the young professionals networking group Hydra Collective.


Michele Schlereth, CPA, Esq., MST

Schlereth Tax Group
Tax And Estate Planning Attorney, Trust & Estate Tax Accountant
(516) 784-4272

Michele is a vlued business advisor regarding all aspects of taxation with a concentration in Trusts and Estates. 

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SurePrep is the leader in 1040 productivity for CPA firms. We deliver seamless integration with your existing tax software to automate and streamline the entire 1040 process for both the taxpayer and CPA. Our solutions are used by more than 19,000 tax professionals ranging from Big 4 firms to sole practitioners to reduce administrative costs, automate workpaper preparation, maximize review efficiency and improve client service. For more information visit